Monday, February 8, 2010

The Long Goodbye

We spent a long time in class talking about how "moral" Phillip Marlowe is. I have to disagree with this. First of all, he kills, Terry Lennox, a guy that used to be his friend. I understand that Lennox lied and got Marlowe into some trouble that he had nothing to do with. But Marlowe took the risk of getting involed when he gave Lennox the ride to Mexico. Did he really think that no one would find out he gave Lennox a ride?

Also I don't find much gratification in Lennox's death, or at least the way he died. How is Marlowe still considered moral when he goes all the way to Mexico just to kill Lennox. He could have taken his $5000 and never worried about Lennox again. Maybe this is just me, but when it comes to morals, if you can avoid killing someone you do. Granted it is a movie, and normally I love movies where a lot of people die, but when you are putting someone on a pedestal for thier outstanding morals you probably shouldn't have him kill someone that obviously doesn't need to die.

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