Monday, February 15, 2010

Coming Home.

Coming Home was a very moving story. Jane Fonda plays Sally Hyde an Army housewife, who's husband is in Vietnam. With a lot of free time on her hands now, she starts volunteering at the local vet hospital. At the hospital she meets Luke Martin (John Voight) an injured Vietnam vet.

I thought the evolution of Sally through out the film was the most touching for me. It was interesting to see how her change. In the beginning she lived a very sheltered life and was very well off. Once she starts spending more and more time at the hospital she sees how little she did with her life before and she starts to change for the better. By the end she has become her own person that worries about others and can live on her own. Before she lived on the Army base, her husband took care of her and she had money and didn't even know what was going on in the outside world. It is always a good to see a character change for the better during the course of a film. I think it makes me connect with that character when they change into a better person, it makes me think that I can change for the better if I want to.

Now while I would never be one to condone cheating I understand how Sally and Luke ended up in a romantic relationship. He made her see the world in a different way and she made him feel like he wasn't a freak. And I think Sally realized how shallow her life was with out Luke. I really thought I connected with their romance and when I say that it is very surprising because I normally hate romantic films.

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