Friday, May 7, 2010


Jaws is, I think, the most widely seen movie we saw in this class. At least I hope everyone at least recognized the theme music. For those of you who don't know Jaws is a thriller about a rouge shark off the beach of a small town. A trio of misfits go out to find the killer shark and kill it before the shark can eat anyone else.

First of all I have always really liked this movie. The reason I think this film is so great is that the little man wins in the end. In a time of corrupt government the film portrays the same thing. The mayor wants to keep looks up for their biggest tourist weekend. Even if that means other people might get hurt. But the new sheriff, a scientist from out of town and an outcast fisherman decide to take things in to their own hands. It makes me believe that one person can make a real difference. Really the sheriff was the one that did everything. Without him the scientist would have left and no one would have paid Quint to go kill the shark. And in the end the sheriff is the one to kill the shark. So it was a movie that made you feel better about the balance of power. When you get done watching it you feel like you can do anything.

As I said earlier the film has one of the most widely know scores. I always feel so excited when the theme music starts because you know something good is going to happen. Sometimes the music can make or break a movie. Jaws score was so simple, memorable and powerful. John Williams has written music for other films like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Jurassic Park. So you know the music for Jaws would be would be good, but this is a soundtrack that people still reference in everyday life. Maybe that's just because I go to an media art school.

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